Saturday, March 03, 2007

Strategies of Success: Being in the moment

Are you living in the moment? Or are you spending your time wishing you were somewhere else? How about being in that place you always wanted to be and yet still not really being there?

What's this all about?

I'm a big baseball fan. My team? The Boston Red Sox. So here I am in Florida where for the first time I get to go to spring training. What did I catch myself doing while I was watching my favorite players? Going through my pictures and text messages in my cell phone! Yikes!

Good news is that I caught myself before the whole experience was over. After all the years that I couldn't come here because I was in school, after missing them the first year I had tickets because my Dad had surgery, after last year when I arrived and missed them by an hour - here I was not watching them and enjoying the environment but playing with my cell phone!!

What's going on? Technology addiction? Or was it the habit of not truly living in the moment?
How many times have we missed truly being with the people we love because we'e paying more attention to our cell phone, blackberry, laptop or TV?

How often do we miss the beauty around us because we've thinking of things we need to do or things we wish we had done better?

I can't speak for you but as for me, it's time to quiet the technology except for when it's truly necessary. Time to savor where I am and who I'm with. I don't ever get this time back. Do I want to look back and say, remember that trip where I was online or on the phone all the time?

For right now, time to put down my pen and look out at the beautiful Gulf of Mexico which I'm blessed to have right in front of me. Now that's a moment to be in!

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