Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Secrets of Success: Got work? Have fun!

I'm sitting at my favorite work place - PaneraBread where I can sit all day and work with freeinternet and a change of scenery from working athome.

I got up to get a free refill on my cup of teaand heard the three young women working behindthe counter laughing. I said something like,You sure know how to have fun" and they saidthey were laughing to motivate themselves todo the cleaning they had to do. I told themthat I'm in the business of motivating peopleand asked them what their secret was. They toldme that they found out what job they each likedto do best and which ones they weren't too crazy about. Then they split up the jobs soeach got to do the one they liked best and didn't have to do the one they liked least.

What a great strategy! They were laughing andhaving fun all the while really working hard(as opposed to when you see a bunch of peoplelaughing and talking while ignoring the customersand not getting much done).

It reminds me yet again that it's all about howwhat we experience in our lives is all abouthow we choose to look at it. They made a commitment to each other...saying that theyeven "pinky swore" (a serious commitment fromchildhood days) to do a good job on the taskthey were assigned to.

Nice...reminds me of when I was a teenager working in the grocery store. My friendDonna and I hated the long hours on Saturdaywhen the store was so crowded...until oneday we decided to make a contest of it. Whoever had the most money in their drawerat the end of the day won. You should haveseen us trying to get the customers intoour lane!

What's on your to do list that you could make more fun? It's your life...you get tochoose...as for me, I'm having fun watchingthose girls have fun while I'm getting my work done!
