Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Worried about the effect of cell phones on your brain?

I'm not the biggest cell phone user mostly because I don't like to talk on the phone. But I do worry about the fact that no one has conclusively stated whether or not having the cell phone so close to our brain is a good thing or not long term. Everyone is talking on their phones constantly. Will we find out in a few years that there is a direct link between cell phone usage and brain cancer? I certainly hope not but just in case, I'm as prepared as I can be.

I stumbled onto the Q-Link several years ago at a seminar. It is something that is worn around the neck and has the power to strengthen our immunity to the electromagnetic fields emitted by cell phones, computers, and other electronic devices. It also strengthens our resistance to the effects of stress, it increases energy and enhances mental performance especially under stress. I really like the way I feel when I wear mine which I try to do on a regular basis. They're not cheap but at what price the peaceful feeling and the protection when around cell phones and computers?

For sports professionals, these effects help through increased play management, better focus and concentration. The result is enhanced performance, fewer bad shots, quicker recovery and lower golf scores. I can't attest to this because I'm not athletically inclined (other than being a fanatic baseball fan but I don't think that counts). Check out the site. Some of the top sucessful people in the world wear one of these around their neck. The most successful people have access to people and products that the rest of us don't usually have access to. I'm glad I got to find out about this one.