Traveling soon? Are you fully prepared for this?
"NEW YORK (Feb. 15) - JetBlue Airways Corp. tried to calm a maelstrom of criticism Thursday, after passengers were left waiting on planes at a New ork airport for as long as 11 hours during a snow and ice storm." AP News as seen in AOL news
Would you have had enough to do to keep you occupied?
While no one expects to be stuck on a plane for as long as 11 hours, winter weather certainly canmake travel troublesome.
Whether you're trapped on a plane or stuck at an airport waiting for that very same plane, youneed to have plenty to do to pass the time andrelieve the boredom not only for you but for therest of your traveling party.
As the title of this blog says, I'm the Strategies person...the one always looking forthe 'Secret of Success" in a situation. I am constantly on the lookout for solutions. This timeI actually created my own.
Check out my Travel Activity Book at
It's ready to download, print and stuff into yourluggage for the trip you may be just abut to take.
It's even ready to go if you're not traveling butmaybe stuck in the 8+ feet of snow in upstateNew York or wherever you may be.
It was designed to ease both boredom and stress and or course, I made it so that you'd enjoy the processas well.
Want to learn more...
Why this book?
- requires no batteries
- you'll have it ready to go minutes after purchase
- good for all but the youngest family members
- can be used over and over again
- can be printed out on most home or office printers
- inexpenisve - only $9.95* includes free bonus travel tips
- it's fun to do
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