Thursday, December 14, 2006

Strategies of Success: Holiday Shopping

What's your shopping strategy? Run around at the last minute?

Do you dread the malls? Hate trying to find the right gift for everyone?

Here's my strategy which has left me free of the shopping stress this year. I shop all year. As I go about the year, I check out interesting places and see if anything there might be the perfect thing someone on my gift giving list would like. So by the time Christmas comes or birthdays, I just go to my bag/box of goodies and pull out the appropriate gift.

This works really well for me especially since i'm not a big shopper. But I do travel around a bit and going places offers me opportunities to see unique stores. I'm a bit more interested in checking those places out because they might have things that will remind me of my time there. But usually I don't buy for me...I buy for someone else. And often there are great bargains to be found.

Even if you don't travel much in your life...and to be honest, most of my traveling is just driving trips around the New England area...expand your life a bit, see a little more of the world around and poke around in some the unusual shops/stores.

And start your holiday shopping for 2007 as soon as you've recovered from this holiday!

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