Today I woke up determined to make the changes I've been wanting to make for a long time. One of the first things I did was to make a list of how I wanted each day to go and how to make the weeks fit together productively. You see I do what a lot of you would love to do - I work from home.
Now I know that sounds wonderful...and I won't kid you, most of the time it is. I set my own hours, can work in my jeans or a bathrobe if that's what I feel like wearing that day. Everything I need is close by and I never have to commute on a snowy day or get up before dawn if I don't want to.
But working from home has its challenges. I no longer can bounce ideas off and enjoy the company of my employees when I owned a flight school. I no longer have 1300 people around to absorb energy from as I did when I taught high school. I have to motivate myself on those days when all I want to do is sit in front of the TV and veg.
But mostly I have to make myself stop working. When you work from're at work as soon as you put your feet down on the floor each morning. Between popping out of the office to do household chores and errands and taking my laptop around the house, I was finding that I never NOT working. No boundaries...all work...all the time....
So today the list was born. I decided when I would work...and when I would stop. I even wrote where I would it wasn't always at home. So here I sit at a lovely little coffee shop...knowing that even though I'm finally gettiing back to the blogs I promised to write frequently...I can have a new perspective and a bit more say in making this new life one I truly enjoy!
My message to you....enjoy what your job has...even if you can't work from home like Ido. Find what you have that you'd miss if you were gone and enjoy it each day!
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